Jesse rambles about turtle owners, pottery competitions, low key birthdays, and nebulous CT scans.
Jesse rambles about weird pants, health insurance, CT scans, and cool new music.
Jesse rambles about weighted blankets, returning to standup, t-shirt misunderstandings, and The Slap(TM).
Jesse rambles about aging, weird toys, and time-traveling dinosaurs, then recommends some books.
Jesse rambles about expensive concert tickets, battlefield weddings, ageless neighbors, and aggressive ants.
Jesse rambles about food poisoning, incompetent dictators, nerd rock, and furniture aesthetic.
Jesse has food poisoning. episode when that's all settled.
Jesse rambles about tomatoes, weird daycares, medieval smells, and garbage trucks.
Jesse rambles some more about horrible war stuff. Next week he’ll try to ramble less about horrible war stuff.
Jesse discusses Putin’s war crimes the best way he knows how: rambling incoherently for an hour.
Jesse rambles about weird bananas, phobias, and threesomes, then answers emails about abusive relationships, doorbells, and burlesque shows.
got stuck with out my recording stuff. talk to you tomorrow!
Jesse takes a look back at the early days of the podcast, and rambles about cold weather and the human condition.
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Jesse rambles about loud porn, figureskating, crypto bros, and prog rock.
Jesse is snowed in and rambles about bartering with his neighbor, his favorite dumb shows, his favorite records of 2021, and then lightens it up to discuss insurrections and the future of American democracy.